Saturday, August 09, 2008

Bolleruds in the Nation's Capital

Hi everyone,

I was lucky enough to catch up with Rachel and Isaac Bollerud over lunch this week in Washington, DC. Rachel was in town to visit friends and to stimulate the economy. Isaac tagged along to smile and flirt with unsuspecting Metro commuters.

Here is photographic proof of their visit:

Isaac is entranced by a nearby fountain, and has no idea that just a few days later, the same plaza will be swarming with reporters haunting the nearby FBI headquarters, hoping to get some answers about the anthrax case. It was much more fun when Isaac was there.

It was about 95 degrees and as bright as a supernova during his visit, so I doubt this Minnesota boy (or his Minnesota mama) will be coming back to visit anytime soon.

A few weeks before Rachel and Isaac's visit, Andrew came down to visit for the weekend:

During his visit, it was about 102 degrees, and the humidity was insulting. So very unlike Alaska's blissfully chilly weather! This picture commemorates the mid-way mark of a hike we took in Great Falls National Park. Rather less wildlife than Denali, but better than roasting on the National Mall.

On Thursday, I head north to New Hampshire for a visit with Ray and Kathy...where I have been promised fireworks. More pictures to come!

xo to all,


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