Hello from cousin Erica in our nation's capital
Hi Everyone -
I'm posting to let you all know that I now live in Washington, D.C. I can see the Capitol building from my Metro stop and work within spitting distance of the White House (not that I would ever spit in that direction, mind you). I started working for the US Environmental Protection Agency a few months ago. Right now I mainly work on communications materials (press releases, speeches) about Energy Star and other voluntary climate change-related programs. Not sure what Harry and Gert would think of it all. As a skeptical Bollerud, I'm not really sure myself, quite yet.
Above is a picture of me (I'm the one in glasses on the right) being skeptical about things I am always skeptical about: team-building events and the GOP. The EPA's "Office of Public Affairs" -- aka the Republican political appointees who approve all of my communications materials -- asked us all (the "careers" as opposed to the "politicals") to go bowling with them. The politicals were all having a great time -- this was before Tuesday's election -- and I think their incredible happiness was making me very uneasy, as evidenced by this photo. Did they knew something I didn't about upcoming election results? Turns out they didn't! Viva the separation of powers!
I hope to see many of you at Ray & Kathy's for Chris and Vero's engagement party, or at the wedding itself. And if you're ever flying through DC, let me know. I am getting pretty good at tearing around DC in my honda civic (as Dan and Jan can tell you).
The person in the glasses looks like she is the type who takes charge from the wings. I see a future stateperson there. Yes Lord, there is hope!!!
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